Sunday, September 23, 2007

Top Chef: The Final Four

I've put off writing about last Wednesday's Top Chef episode because, honestly, I didn't have much to say. The episode was, as Bourdain expressed, a true test of culinary aptitude, lacking the typical brand-name dropping of episodes previous, and lacking the subsequent bizarre tests designed to challenge the chef's ability to cook in odd situations with odd requirements. Both challenges were simple in nature, and allowed the chefs the chance to express their technical skill and their ability to put together a wonderful meal.

Of all the chefs, only one failed both tests, and that was Sara M. Sara managed to fail both challenges on the same note - a note of technical skill so basic it is perhaps one of the top three essential skills in a kitchen: cook your meat thoroughly. Now, Sara is unique in that she's a cheese maker. But, in any kitchen, the last thing you can do is serve undercooked meat, especially chicken. And rather than be horrified that even one piece of her chicken was undercooked, Sara remained defiant. Didn't she try to once save Howie from the same predicament? Perhaps someone needs to teach her about the terror of salmonella poisoning before she returns to cooking proteins. Despite all that, I rather liked Sara M. from the start. Unfortunately, I watched her show her lack of skill in the last few episodes, and I knew she would soon be one of the next to go home. I believe she needs to stick to what she loves to do - that is, make cheese - rather than branch farther out of her league than she is prepared for.

Besides that, I really don't have words to lend to this episode. For once, it truly lacked drama and spoke about the food. We can only hope the finale will provide us more of that... but alas, we know that product placement will win the day.

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